The development, support, and implementation of our project activities depend on the donations collected and the goodwill of people who contribute with their work and assistance. If you would like to support the activities of “Vedos vaikams”, please contact us or contribute financially by transferring funds to the project support account. Even a very small sacrifice of yours can help us publish a book that will teach the younger generation.
Project support account
Account number | LT307 300 0101 5398 5367 Swedbank AB |
Recepient | Public Institution „Vedų išmintis“ |
Recepient code | 303395363 |
Purpose of payment | Specify the purpose “For books” and add the account number |
SWIFT code | HABALT2263 |
If it is acceptable to you, you can also transfer the support to the head of VšĮ “Vedų išmintis” by indicating support for book publishing or simply allocate your 2% part of the tax-free income tax as support for the activities of VšĮ “Vedų išmintis”.